Automatic Transmission Repair in Plainview, NY

Your Full Service Shop - Plainview Auto Care


Transmission Leaks

If you ever see spots of red fluid under your car or notice that your transmission fluid is low, your transmission may be leaking fluid, and may need to be resealed. During a reseal, a technician will inspect the underbody of your car for any external seals, lines, hoses, or gaskets that could be leaking. If the transmission is running smoothly otherwise, all of the leaky external components will be replaced without having to remove the transmission. Running low on transmission fluid can cause significant damage to the transmission, and can lead to very costly repairs. If you notice any pools of red liquid under your car, be sure to bring it by our service center.

Transmission Problems

Here are some common symptoms of a malfunctioning transmission, courtesy of Plainview Auto Care. If you’ve experienced any of these issues with your vehicle, bring it in for a complete diagnosis.

  • Unusual Sounds – This could be anything from a whirring, clicking, clanking, squealing, or grinding.
  • Check Engine Light – If your check engine light comes on.
  • Odd Odors—Strange smells around the hood or underbody of the vehicle, especially burnt smells.
  • Slipping—If you’re trying to accelerate your vehicle and it’s going slower than it should, but the engine is racing.
  • Stalling—Your vehicle stalls as you press the gas pedal.
  • Trouble Shifting—If your vehicle is shifting unexpectedly or if you notice it shifting early or late.
  • Leaks—Fluid stains under or around your vehicle.
  • Sticky Shift Handle—Noticeable difficulty moving the shift handle, in any position.
  • Difficulty in Reverse—You shift into reverse but your car doesn’t budge.
  • Shift Indicator Doesn’t Work—If you start your car and the shift indicator is not on (P) or (N) then it’s not working properly.
  • Vehicle Doesn’t Move—While the car is in drive it doesn’t move, even if the engine is racing.
  • No Power—There is no power when you press the gas pedal.
  • Trouble in the Morning—When you first start the vehicle, it has difficulty moving or shifting.
  • Movement While in Park or Neutral—If your vehicle moves or jerks when in park or neutral.